Saturday, 20 July 2013

EDUC115N - How to learn math(s)

Well I have now started the Jo Boaler course: and I'm really enjoying it. It is the best use of a MOOC I've seen. The videos are very short and you are given a task to do between each one. I've read her book and Carol Dweck's mindset one so I thought most of it would be familiar but I was wrong and there is loads of new things.
I can't believe I haven't read before. It was something I thought I had read but when I read it I found it mindblowing. Also I didn't know that secant was to do with 15th century nautical tables. I really recommend it. It also explained the US maths system a bit which has always confused me. The course is open for new students until September so if you haven't signed up have a go.
Other summer projects
Python coding - I've got a bit stuck. I should have taken notes as I went along. I will keep going and make notes from now on.
Learning to run - been a bit lazy as we're in a heatwave but will get back on it.
Learn to draw- did an upside down drawing that wasn't too bad.
Twitter- I've been on it as much as usual. The Boaler course hashtag is #howtolearnmath by the way
Goodreads 2013 reading challenge - read a few books on holiday last week and I'm now only 5 behind my target. My favourite of which was The age of miracles  by Karen Walker.
Toddler new words - cheese
Blog again before September - achieved yay.


  1. Saw Python and thought of this--perhaps you are already aware

  2. Oh that's brilliant. Thank you so much. Getting back on the python train as soon as I get the toddler to sleep tonight.

  3. Oh that's brilliant. Thank you so much. Getting back on the python train as soon as I get the toddler to sleep tonight.
